Wednesday, October 27, 2021


This was a post I made a year ago. So many changes for Lisa (and us) since then. One of my favorite hymns is Abide With Me. I have sang it over and over during difficult times. Some of the words are “change and decay in all around I see. O thou who changest 

not, abide with me.” Lisa continues to be happy and content but we are s-l-o-w-l-y losing her whether it’s due to the stroke or dementia, it doesn’t matter. We just appreciate every day we get to see her smile. 

“ I took Lisa for a recheck on her elbow yesterday and it is healed and she is as fully functional as she will ever be with the arthritis throughout her body. What struck me was how happy and cheerful she was to everyone we met. She wasn’t focused on that she had to wear a mask or that we had to walk quite a bit (for her) from the parking lot to the check in to the ortho clinic and then to X-ray and then back to the ortho clinic and down the long hallway to an exam room. Here’s what she focused on....the housekeeper stocking shelves in the hallway...”how’s your day?”.... the nurse taking her vitals...”I like your shoes”.... and the teeny finger wave she gave another nurse. She doesn’t see size or color or what position they hold. Although she is a 50 year old woman and not a child, she is childlike in her purity, authenticity and spontaneity. There are times in her past when I’ve tried to change her but in my maturity I have learned to just enjoy her for who she is. Everyone should have a Lisa to hang out with! Have a great day! #wearamaskforher”