To Do Lists
Today is cool and windy so it’s a good day to check things off my to-do list before fishing and pontooning starts. There’s also the countdown to our 50th Anniversary party on June 26th and our lake home is now 10 years old and in some serious need of care. I swear that I have been trying to downsize for at least 15 years and with my asthma acting up when there’s dust on all of our stuff, the “to-do” list is long and probably unrealistic. I have always been a list maker and like to check things off as I do them. Evidently, I passed that trait on to Lisa. I remember that I started to leave her to do lists in the summer so that her days had some structure and she truly was a big help to me. Her biggest chores were to empty the dishwasher and later to wash clothes.
I was delighted when I came home from work one day and she had written a to do list for me!! Her room used to be filled with paper lists she had made for others. She made others their grocery lists as well as their to do lists. I think it is so neat that we raised women who are leaders…we used to say “bossy” but that’s no longer politically correct. Lisa loved directing others and I would have to remind her that she was not the CEO of the organization but would have to take direction too. She would get upset when others tried to direct her.
Not everyone has that need or drive to be in control but Lisa certainly does and I love it! It may have been difficult directing those bossy women when they were teenagers but it’s been fun watching them as they mature and direct their own lives. After high school, Lisa lived in Williston for awhile until we decided to move her to Minot. During the transition, she had to live in Crosby and the transition took longer than any of us wanted. One day she came into the kitchen and said “Mom, when can I get a life of my own?”
I am grateful to staff who let her look at the choices on the menu for the day and let her choose her clothing and socks to match. That gives her a little control over her life where she has lost so much control.
So here’s to leaders and to do lists and getting things done. Be like Lisa!!
“We plan the way we live, but only God makes us able to live it.” Proverbs 16:9
The Message Bible
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