Thursday, April 28, 2016

Challenges and Joys

My grandchildren used to play a game before bedtime called Roses and Thorns.  In the game, they were to talk about the good and bad things in their days.  It was a good chance for their parents or grandparents to talk with them about the joys and challenges in life. 

My challenges lately have been:
  • Adjusting to Van Hook and it's remoteness after a winter in Fargo
    • Yeah for Amazon
    • Yeah for new, well-stocked grocery stores in New Town and Stanley
  • Adjusting to a different routine and a different house/kitchen
  • Tolerating the cold and sometimes windy weather which make walking outside difficult
  • More severe aching than usual probably due to the weather
  • Getting off track with my commitment to healthier lifestyle during a several day Birthday celebration
My Joys have been:
  • A cozy supper at a new place with friends I hadn't seen much this winter
  • Warm tea and/or a hot bath after a chilly walk outside
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Good Movies
  • Good Books
  • Much needed rain and my mud boots
  • Some delicious new recipes
  • Having the time and energy to cook and clean up
  • Quiet visits with a neighbor and my sister and brother in law
I read an excellent article about being able to tell the difference and react accordingly to a lump in the oatmeal or a lump in the breast.  My challenges this week were definitely a lump in the oatmeal.  This day is a new day and I will focus on the positive and continue with this commitment to a more healthy lifestyle. 

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