Monday, February 27, 2017

Random Thoughts during Senior step aerobics

  • The class was full this Monday. Is it everybody making up for an unhealthy weekend?
  • When the class is that full, you have to be careful that you don't run into anyone.  A fall at our age can be disastrous.....or funny
  • Does there really have to be two walls of mirrors in this room?
  • Good music makes the routine go much faster. My favorites today were: Charlie Brown, Last Kiss and ......I can't remember the name of the last song but it had a great beat!
  • In every class I take, there are people who resemble people I know. Today I imagined I saw Bonnie Placek, Janeen Norland, my sister in law, Betty Anderson and Emily Doughty....oh wait, that really was Emily Doughty, someone I worked with at Good Sam.
  • Gray is not my color.
  • Almost everyone wears black pants.
  • There are over and under-achievers in any group. On any given day I can be either. 
  • I can focus on the fact that I am overweight (especially while looking in that mirrored wall) or focus on the fact that I am pretty awesome to be doing this twice a week for 7 my other classes!
  • I win the prize for cutest, sparkliest shoes. I will have to figure out how to get pictures on here so you can see them too. 
  • I exercise for the endorphins. Love that good feeling that stays with me most of the day!

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