Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Changing Seasons March 30, 2021

Changing Seasons It’s nearly April 1st. Spring is here and Easter is on Sunday. As is typical for North Dakota, our weather is erratic. It was in the 70’s yesterday and today it won’t get out of the 30’s. When Lisa was living independently, she didn’t always dress appropriately for the season. Who does when the weather is so changeable? Years ago, she lived in an apartment where they put an alarm on her bed that would shake her bed if the tornado siren went off. This was done because she is hard of hearing and doesn’t wear her hearing aide at night. She hadn’t been interested or concerned about the weather before that but that made her pay attention and if she looked at the newspaper, she always wanted to check the weather. Later, I bought her a digital thermometer with pictures which gave a summary of the weather and showed a girl wearing the appropriate clothes for the temperature. Lisa didn’t like it and I’m not sure why but I would always find it unplugged and stuffed in a drawer someplace. She may have been offended because it was a picture of a girl and not a woman and Lisa was pretty sensitive to being treated as an adult and not a child or she just might not have liked the idea of anyone telling her what to do!! One of the reasons why she was moved out of her independent living apartment was because we found her bare footprints in the snow outside of her apartment. This morning, I went through her clothes that we keep at our house in Fargo and pulled out her spring and summer clothes to take to Eventide so they can label them. I will then pack up some of her winter gear. She used to be so warm blooded but as she’s gotten older, she is often cold so I don’t think she will wear shorts or tank tops like she used to. Anyway, I think the bright pinks, yellows and soft blues will remind her it is spring and brighten her day. Speaking of change, I am transitioning from Caring Bridge to a blog. I have had a blog for a long time but haven’t written in it for years. It’s been resurrected and I’ve copied and pasted the Caring Bridge posts to this blog. I haven’t gotten all of the pictures transferred and I couldn’t copy the comments. Needless to say, the transition is not seamless. The paragraphs and other formatting in the layout has not transferred perfectly and I either don’t have the technical knowledge or energy to figure it out so I apologize!! I do however love the name of the blog: This Day Is Here. When I first heard the song “There’s Never Been a Day Like This Day Before”, I was mesmerized. It had such a catchy tune and the message was spot on….enjoy this day as there will never be another like it. So here’s to change and new things and the promise of Spring!!

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