Thursday, August 18, 2016

H.A.L.T. and other strategies

I read an article that said when you feel like snacking you should stop and consider are you

  • Hungry
  • Angry
  • Lonely
  • Tired
We should learn to cope with our angry, lonely, tired feelings in healthy ways instead of unhealthy ways such as binge eating, drinking alcohol or getting angry etc.  But first we have to stop and recognize what we are feeling. We may also be feeling thirsty or overwhelmed. We then have to consider healthy ways to deal with those feelings.....talking with a friend, going for a walk, drinking some water, playing a game, having a cup of tea or reading a book....only you know what is comforting. 

It's been a good week for getting back on track and I am ready to go the distance.  Down 3.5#!
Let's Go!

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